Kamis, 30 November 2017

Diary 6

this week feels so cold, because this week has entered to rainy season. Surely.. this few days it's raining weather. yesterday night.. I went to campus, when i going to campus, the weather changing to rain. and i forgot that i not bring a raincoat... and when i arrived in class, my clothes is wet..
i hope night.. soon it will be not rainy

Sabtu, 18 November 2017

Diary 5

Assalamualaikum wr wb..

Well.. this is 5th diary I make, yep, this day is saturday.. I had washed my motorcycle just now.. then I making a diary.. then i want to go to my friend home.... oh, now I'm hungry.. I confuse what want I eat.... hehe.

Kamis, 02 November 2017

Diary 4

Assalamualaikum all

I felt so be grateful because my smartphone is fixed.. the day after yesterday.. touchscreen on my smartphone is malfunctioned.. therefore i dont know more information from my friends..

Tomorrow me and my friends will go to puncak with our senior.. there will be many activities because we on puncak for 3 days...
